Executives often respond to crises with quick action, says Harlan Loeb, a director at public relations firm Edelman. 公关公司爱德曼(Edelman)的总监哈伦•罗卜表示,高管在面临危机时,通常会快速地做出反应。
Bernanke said quick action is required to stabilize financial markets and combat the threat of economic slowdown. 伯南克说,必须尽快采取行动,以稳定金融市场,抵御经济放缓的威胁。
In the call, the two men discussed the results of a pressure test that should have prompted quick action to prevent an impending blowout. 两人在通话中讨论了一个压力测试的结果,从这些结果来看,他们应迅速采取行动,防止即将发生的井喷。
Quick action response capacity fund 快速行动反应能力基金
That's perhaps a little more draconian but that's a quick action. 那可能是有点更苛刻的,但是那是个快动作。
The continued use of war as a method of trying to settle disputes is a disgrace to humanity. This trouble calls for quick action by the government. 不断以战争为解决纠纷的方法,实为人类之耻。这一纷争需要政府立即采取行动来解决。
They established that the girl was the most critically injured. Without quick action, she would die of shock and loss of blood. 他们确诊这个小女孩的伤势最严重,若不立刻采取措施,她就会死于休克和失血。
Without quick action, they warned, countries like Spain and Italy could be sucked under. 它们警告称,如不迅速采取行动,西班牙和意大利等国可能被压垮。
The quick action of the firemen saved the building from being burnt down. 消防队员行动及时,该建筑物方免遭焚毁。
The hope for national salvation, Roosevelt thought, lay in quick action to overcome the menace of national economic collapse. 罗斯福认为,拯救国家的希望,在于迅速克服经济崩溃的威胁。
Her quick action saved the child's life. 她行动迅速,救了小孩的命。
It was John's quick action and knowledge of first aid that saved her life. 正是约翰的快捷的动作和急救知识救了她的命。
According to two studies by British and French researchers quick action following a minor stroke reduces the chance of a major stroke later on. 根据英国和法国的两项研究结果表明,快速处理小中风可以降低以后发生大中风的危险性。
After the two-day G20 economic summit in France was dominated by the debt crisis in Greece, President Barack Obama says he will keep pressing for quick action to solve the crisis. 为期两天的20国峰会星期五结束,这次峰会专注于希腊债务危机。美国总统奥巴马在会议后表示,他将继续敦促有关各方迅速采取行动,解决希腊危机。
Nice appearance, tight configuration, characteristic, quick action and high sensitivity. 外型美观,结构紧凑。具有快速动作和高灵敏度的特点。
Sometimes quick action by us may save someone's life. 有时我们迅速的行动可以挽救一个人的生命。
Perez praised the girl for taking quick action. 派雷斯赞扬了这个女生采取了快速的行动。
The Government has promised to take quick action on the energy crisis. 政府承诺对能源危机迅速采取措施。
Her quick action saved his life. 她动作迅速因而救了他一命。
Surrounded by construction workers, teachers and small business owners on Monday, Mr Obama demanded quick action as he announced he was sending lawmakers the full text of the legislation he outlined in a speech last week. 周一,奥巴马在建筑工人、教师和小企业主的围绕下宣布,他已将自己上周讲话时概述的法案的全文分发给议员们,要求他们迅速行动。
A newspaper's daily publication readily fits the day-to-day selling and quick action promotions that characterize most retailing. 报纸的每日出版也适合大多数零售商的每日快速销售策略。
Also, the research showed that traders with the most exposure generally made the most money in wild markets when quick action is required. 同时,研究显示了接触睾丸素最多的人通常会在要求动作麻利的火爆市场里挣到最多的钱。
Tap the quick action ( last menu item) can be used to quickly toggle once custom configured setting. 点击一个菜单项将打开二级子菜单,显示可以切换的设置。
Now, let's see the mechanisms for this quick action, focusing on how Rabeprazole is converted into its active form. 现在,让我们它快速作用的机制,关注一下雷贝拉唑是如何转化为活性形式。
My quick action earned me his praise. 我行动迅速,博得了他的赞扬。
A flying police squad is trained for quick action anywhere in the city. 空中警察是为在城市的任何一个角落采取迅速行动而培养的。
Analysts say this unprecedented display of charity is partly in response to the quick action already taken by Chinese officials to the emergency. 分析人员说如此空前的爱心体现,部分是对中国官员对灾难采取了快速反应的响应。
With high quality, good reputation and quick action, we are sure that we can establish the best business partnership with every client. 我们将以好的产品质量。高的企业信誉。快的信息反馈成为每个客户的最佳合作伙伴。
But if the flu does strike, quick action can help. 得了流感后,快速的行动是有效的。